
The Southern California Flow Cytometry Association (SoCalFlow) brings together research, clinical and biomedical scientists from Los Angeles, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange County, San Diego and Imperial counties. With its origins as a not-for-profit organization in 2011, the Association reaches out to members to enhance collaborations, for brainstorming ideas, asking questions and communicating with each other via its message board.

SoCalFlow provides opportunities to further the education of its members by hosting scientific talks, workshops and training courses to keep members abreast of recent developments and advances in the field of cytometry.

Our past summits were made possible by generous vendor support. Our next meeting is SUMMIT 2025, April 7-8, to be held at Beckman Center, UC Irvine. Don’t miss this opportunity to participate, get involved and interact with your fellow SoCalFlow-ers!